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Stone Steps _ Moss
Character References
Create a custom reference sheet unique to your character!

Reference sheets show your character from multiple angles, giving roleplay
partners or future commission artists a detaile
d visualization of your character's appearance.

I can help you create a sheet as elaborate or as budget friendly as you wish!

🍄Choose from a pre-made layout 
🍄Build your own from scratch.
🍄Contact the witch to make the deal!

Reference Templates (coming soon)

Wild Mushrooms
Build Your Own Character Reference
Select as many or as few poses as you like, or suggest your own!

🍄Full body poses: $20 Color Sketch / $40 Flat Color 
🍄Headshot / Backshot: $10 Color Sketch / $20 Flat Color
🍄Msc closeups and objects: $2 - $5 Color Sketch / $5 - $10 Flat Color
🍄Outfit Edit: $5 Color Sketch /  $10 Flat Color

Contact the witch to make the deal!


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